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Striking new moray eel discovered in Central Indo-Pacific river mouths, named after god of the underworld

Пон., 12/30/2024 - 20:19
A new species of black, slender moray eel has chosen the road less traveled, thriving in dim and muddy river mouths, unlike most of its marine relatives. It is found across the Central Indo-Pacific, including within the cave of the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River. This new moray eel is named after the underworld god Hades for its distinctive habitat, unique behaviors, and most notably, its deep, dark coloration.

New research explores volcanic caves, advancing the search for life on Mars

Пон., 11/18/2024 - 19:53
Through the intricate study of lava tubes -- caves formed following volcanic eruptions when lava cools down -- an international team of researchers has uncovered clues about Earth's ancient environments that could be significant in the search for life on Mars.

Адреси и банкова сметка

Пощенски адрес:

България, гр. София-1332,
жк "Люлин" 6, бл 616, вх. В, ет 8, ап 69

Адрес на клубното помещение: 

Гр. София -1202
ул. Св. Св. Кирил и Методий 42 ет.3
(в дъното на коридора)

Банкова сметка в лева (BGN)

IBAN: BG39FINV91501215836127


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